Election 2008

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Sorry, not gonna bite on this one.
Freedom from religion? Great idea! Said as much in my 'Point of View' (http://andycox1953.webs.com/) Any comments on this most welcome
The Passion of Christ is what brot U.S. here (when Christopher Colombuss sailed the ocean blue). Rethink. Know. Grow-up, my friend. Without the Trinity, our society would be looong dead. God bless.
Sorry Kold but there is no "Trinity". Our society would be much more enlightened without religion of any kind. Think you must be looking at the effects of religion, especially the Christian religion, through rose colored glasses because religion has done and still does much harm to the human race in general and our nation in particular. America will be much better off should we achieve a nation of people freed from the mental shackles of religion. Children give up imaginary friends when they grow up..isn't it long past time when those religious adults did likewise and put away childish things like believing in a God for whom there is not one shred of concrete evidence?
Children should not be taught to believe in things that do not exist, like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, or God. If we cannot live without our fantasy images, we should at least identify them as fantasies, and not try to convince our kids that they are real. Let unformed, immature minds alone until they are able to reason for themselves.
Christianity is not a religion, my friends! Yes, please do imagine a world without religion, yet, as a Christian, I believe in religious freedom. No one has to believe in Jesus Christ as I do.
Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.
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